Since Russia invaded Ukraine in February of 2022, the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) organization, has issued numerous warnings about Russian cyberattacks. The Russian cyberattacks have threatened the U.S. Critical Infrastructure(, malware has hit Ukraine (, Russian State actors gain access to MFA (, and most recently a warning of threats to the U.S. and international satellite communications (SATCOM) networks.
CISA even started to organize and publish a Russian Malicious Cyber activity report ( in a concise historical linked format.
These warnings from CISA are meant to bring awareness and help businesses prepare for potential risks. Businesses need to elevate their awareness and preparations for cyberattacks, especially from Russia, per these warnings. Just over the past few years, so many organizations have seen their threats increase by over 600%, due to COVID-19. Now we see an additional multiplier in these threats as Russia escalates and expands their war on Ukraine. Our global economy is suffering from these efforts and businesses need to do all they can to protect themselves from falling victim to these attacks.
ACSM has been helping businesses protect their assets and improve their security and privacy posture since 2006. Our skilled team can help your business understand its cyber weaknesses and potential threats as well as improve your security, privacy, and compliance postures. Our services include penetration testing, maturity assessments, cyber security and privacy implementation assistance, CISO-as-a-Service, and DPO-as-a-Service, to mention a few.
To learn more about how ACSM can help support your cyber defense needs, please use our contact page and schedule a free consultation call today.
American Cyber Security Management is a leader in data privacy, cybersecurity, and Compliance. Our mission is to help enterprises protect their data from internal and external threats. We offer on-demand assessment, implementation, and sustainability services that focus on Privacy and Cybersecurity readiness and compliance, risk reduction, and mitigation.