Where is the best website for breach data history? This has been a common question and one that everyone seems to have a personal answer to. In the spirit of Cyber Security Awareness Month, here are some good resources to consider.
As breaches to our privacy continue on a daily basis, they can be hard to keep up with. These resources can help you justify and improve your preventative, detection, and responsive investments.
https://www.privacyrights.org/data-breaches – This site allows you to search on the data based on 8 Type categories (i.e. Payment card), 7 Organizational categories (Education, Military) and Year (back to 2005).
http://breachlevelindex.com/ – This site has good visuals and shows summarized data over time. It also allows for data compilation over Type, Industry, and Source.
http://www.idtheftcenter.org/Data-Breaches/data-breaches – The Identity Theft Resource Center has compiled breach data since 2005, and allows access to their summarized graphs and charts.
http://www.verizonenterprise.com/verizon-insights-lab/dbir/ – If you want a thorough and well-written report, then I suggest the Verizon at the Data Breach Investigations Report.
https://dashboard.healthit.gov/quickstats/quickstats.php – For good summarized information on healthcare, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology provides up to date dashboards and data sets.
The recent Equifax breach shows what a massive and destructive force not learning from our mistakes can be. If you need any help in understanding how to put these lessons into practice, contact us at American Cyber Security Management.
*American Cyber Security Management (AmericanCSM.com) is focused on reducing your risk of data misuse. We do this through our Security, Privacy and DevOps offerings, delivered by seasoned experts. Our Security offerings reduce your risk at the Infrastructure, Network, and Application levels