Are you ready for the CTDPA? It is the latest Privacy Law in the U.S. The Connecticut Data Privacy Act has just been signed by the Connecticut governor, making Connecticut the 5th state to pass a formal privacy law, just after California, Virginia, Colorado, and Utah.
The CTDPA is similar to the Colorado Privacy Act (CPA) which will hopefully help address business implementation and what is now becoming the new buzzword “interoperability” between the growing number of U.S. state privacy laws.
Stay tuned as we’ll be having future posts on the differences in scope, governed data, consent, and citizen rights under this new law.
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American Cyber Security Management is a leader in data privacy, cybersecurity, and Compliance. Our mission is to help enterprises protect their data from internal and external threats. We offer on-demand assessment, implementation, and sustainability services that focus on Privacy and Cybersecurity readiness and compliance, risk reduction, and mitigation.